Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Services That Promote Sex And Relationship Education

This assignment will look at the services that promote sex and relationship education. It will identify the current health issues on promoting and teaching children about sex and relationship education in schools at a young age. Sex and relationships education has been a highlighted topic for over time which is being highly debated about whether it should taught to young children. There are mixed views on how sex and relationship education is taught, statistics show ‘Most parents (65%) believe that sex education should encourage young people to delay sexual activity’ (Kaiser Family Foundation in 2000). Whereas some parents disagree as they think their children are too young to know about sex and relationships, this essay will look at the†¦show more content†¦SRE is important because children have the rights to know the basic understanding of sex and relationship education. As it is also part of the curriculum which states ‘The sex education elements of the National Curriculum order are compulsory for all pupils of primary school age. As these cover anatomy, biological aspects of sexual reproduction and the use of hormones and promote fertility’ (National Curriculum 2010, The Education Act 1996). This is covered in schools through varies activities such as role plays as this is seen to be an effective way of addressing and acting out sensitive topics and issues, keeping children’s privacy keeping children anonymous and assemblies to give them the basic knoweldge and understanding of SRE which is also included in the level 2 health literacy plan. As it state ‘Providing basic information provides the foundation on which more complex knowledge is built up over time’ (D Wight 1998, DFE 2000). This supports children to take part in activities that would make them more aware of their own feelings/emotions and when they know what appropriate and inappropriate behaviour is the theory of health promotion school 2005 As this helps children build positive relationship with other children and later on in life this can be done by having mentors for children who want to speak to someone alone as some children may be embarrassed to speak about it. SRE has proved reduce chances of unwanted or

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